Monday, September 10, 2007

What I did on my Summer Vacation

(Remember this annual assignment?)

What I did on my Summer Vacation
by Kathie Turner

Simple times, family camping and visits to the farm....We fought over who got to collect the eggs. One summer we cleaned chickens. (That will be appreciated only by those who have actually cleaned chickens!) We saw everything from Disney World to Hoover Dam, the Black Hills and I remember Paul Bunion. I got fools gold and sea shells. Blankets over the clothes line to make tents in the rain while we ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Were your summers this great?


Summer Vacation 2007
Self Improvement with Class

Regress. Enroll now!

Back to school and everyone seems to have the healthy glow of a warm summer suntan and I am as pale as a ghost. Without the mask of parched skin I see the age spots on my hands, blue veins etched across my legs and love handles muffin’d across the top of my hip-hugger,~~ you’ve got to be kidding me,~~ jeans.

Am I feeling healthy? One summer out of the sun to see what's really happening has been great. Besides, I had the right attitude when I saw this picture! Way too much of a good thing.


Sign me up and lay out the curriculum. I go back to school and learn all I can about how aging elements have conspired to take me down. Education is key, use every advance in medicine, cosmetics, nutrition and the Big Guns~ laser light technology!

Time and gravity make a worthy opponent, play to win and give up nothing. But at what cost?

I am told no less than 5 times a week I look like Michelle Pfeiffer. I am flattered yes, yes, yes... and by now I can finish the sentence. That many people can’t tell the same lie so it must be at least somewhat true. All the same I am keeping this low key, dollars to donuts, she’s not often told how much she looks like Kathie Turner.
We’ll be fine if she is satisfied to be Cat Women and leaves me to be, well, Kat.
Michelle Pfeiffer, "Cat Women"...... Kathie Turner, not

Actually I love that all the advantages Michelle and other stars have are available to all of us!

When I was working in the broadcast news business I would see in the trades, primary network anchors out for “Plastics.” Who cares, it is a matter of maintenance. Some can budget more than others but from a bright healthy smile to glowing skin we take every advantage available. No different than staying in shape and manicured. This is just more a long term investment. Anywhere from several months to permanent benefits. It is smart and we feel better when we are at our best.

I remember my parents seeing famous people I grew up with on TV and commenting, "he's getting up there." Now we generally comment on how great people look and how we are not like our surrendered parents' generation with frumpy middle-aged resignation.

I am the spokesperson, storyteller, been-there-done-that girl so I must have first hand knowledge. I of course do this for you.

At the moment my legs are between laser hair removal, spider vein removal and fat dissolve. My face has been zapped with laser treatments for the rejuvenation of collagen and even hair removal for the now errant strays that have sprouted like timbers across my chin. I am, in short, a Grandma. Dang!

The good news is I know my limits. I will not wear a bikini. You are welcome.

Fear not my aging friends.
Dress code is optional!
Some of you have gone too far now…

In fact, the object for me now is discretion.

Notice all the on lookers have a bit of a tummy. Now this is where the “law of extremes” comes into play. If you stand next to someone outrageous you will draw no particular attention. This Grandma is a Super Star with cameras popping at her every step.

Back to the story!
What I did over Summer Vacation!

Day One
Attack Enemy #1. Wrinkles, lines I am not fine with.
Some call it the “11’s.” Those nasty furrowed lines between your brows that make us look like we are scowling, unhappy or have a negative attitude. Also, around the eyes, because every time we use those muscles we further deepen the wrinkles.

Blow them out with BOTOX. Almost immediate gratification. Takes 5-10 minutes, improves gradually over the first 3 days of injection and lasts for months. I go in every 3-4 months or when I start to see the need.

People won’t know why you look like you’re happy. They’ll guess you lost weight, you’re in love or business must be great!

Sona occasionally has a Botox Saturday set up to be efficient and fit into your busy “to do list.” If you want to be informed on the schedule send an e-mail to asking to be added to our e-newsletter distribution list.

Restylane: A first for me but it makes the maintenance list without a doubt.
I did it in the upper lip to balance to the size of my lower lip. Turns out to be a double blessing. It minimized the little lines I installed while smoking all those years. I kicked it long ago but not without some lasting reminders of my stupidity. (Scroll down for a Restylane story you may want to read.) Sometimes people call this filler. If you can’t imagine what I mean, look in the mirror and see if you have any little lines that you would like to just plump up and fill in.

The Laser Hair Removal. Now that I have had this a second time I am appreciating the process. It all falls out after about 2 weeks and then as our hair growth cycles, it will emerge again. That is why 5 treatments are required to make it permanent. The second time they took a reading with the Chroma-tester it revealed a much lighter skin tone. That is because I have stayed out of the sun- really. I can’t believe how seriously I have taken my commitment to turn my body over for a solid year.

Now here is a tip if you go to this length, or just don’t care about these things until you have to go somewhere and have wimpy looking white legs. There is a product, (Sue Devitt, Liquid Gold Coast - Oil Free- Bronzing Glow) you can buy at Sephora and it is like make-up for your body, not your face. It goes on like a golden rich liquid and gives you a fabulous tanned look. The draw-back is that while they say it won’t rub off and soil your clothes,…. It does.
But it washed out and so I recommend using it with caution and the right outfit.

OTHER… Hair Removal. Well as Noel Halgreen says, they can remove hair anywhere you shave. That may be a back, chest, arms, under arms or the bikini area. I can tell you that the bikini area is great because it eliminates shaving a tender area and the little bumps and even ingrown hair. But of course it has to be darker than the surrounding skin and that means people with blond or gray hair will not be candidates. I have 2 tips. Make sure you stay out of the sun for at least 2 weeks if not longer before you do it and do it before you are gray!

The laser facial treatment- I have now had 3 treatments and I am pretty much done with that but it will be up to 6 months before the full results can be a seen. If the collagen is rebuilding as I am told it will, I will consider that the best thing rivaling Botox for top billing. It is deeper and that is good but at the same time if you can stop the muscles from those repetitive moves you stop perpetuating the wrinkles. Perfect marriage, one repairs the damage and the other arrests the cause.

Spider Vein removal. I can’t wait! I have only had one treatment. My legs aren’t great but if I can wear shorts and skirts without pantyhose it will be the first time in many years. That’s half the reason I like to have some tan, just to minimize the spider veins. The first treatment has broken down the deep purple color of the largest cluster and I think the second one will take a bigger step towards my goal. They are timed so the blood in the zapped veins can be absorbed and dissipate.

It's late I am tired and way past the days of the all-nighter. Well, anyway it's time for the news. The rest of the story will wait. It is after all a process.

By the way- I will have an assignment for you soon. Get ready.

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